Monday, March 21, 2016


La Primavera Ya Esta Aqui.  

Hoy es 21 de Marzo y comienza oficialmente la primavera!! 

La primavera es mi estacion favorita, el clima es perfecto, ni muy caliente ni muy frio. Ademas es el momento oportuno para plantar, disfrutar del hermoso colorido a nuestro alrededor, hacer ejercicios al aire libre, salir etc, etc.  

Claro esta, aqui en La Florida no es que se siente tanto el cambio de temperatura en el invierno, dado que no baja igual que en los estados mas al norte como New york, por ejemplo. 

De todas formas lo cierto es que me alegra enormemente el saber que ya estamos oficilamente en Primavera.  

Sabes cuales son los colores de temporada+ de esta Primavera+ en maquillaje , ropa, etc ? 

Uno de mis proximos posts estara hablando del tema y mostrando algunas cositas....  

Gracias por visitar mi blog, vuelve pronto!! 

Be tough yet lovely. 


Yefi Blogger

It's been a while that I didn't publish a post like this here in my blog, however yesterday I heard a few interesting words that inspired me to. 

Toughen up: because life is fragile and time is short. We manage/administer them, we don't  own them though.  

Toughen up: because if there is something that is absolutely real and sure is "change' . Amazing how things can change overnight .. isn't it? Sometimes changes are to make us learn, understand and grow , some other times to make us smile, enjoy, laugh,  jump up and down and scream OH YEAH BABY... I DID IT/ I MADE IT / I GOT IT... hehehe or however it is that you celebrate!! 

Toughen up: because life is competition. Not competing with others  though, but competing with ourselves. It is all about a healthy competition to push ourselves to get our goals. The valuable goals, the ones that are worthy.  

Toughen up: because life is like the ocean, it certainly is really deep.... but we can always float :)  

Toughen up: because no pain, no gain. Do you want a six-pack abs? Yeah so do I.... I know that's going to take a lot of outside  running and eating a lot of Cabbage Wraps which are delish by the way. Go check them out!

Toughen up: because life is not for quitters. Are you? No you are not, if you were you wouldn't be reading this line right now.. you started at the beginning and you've made it this far. :) If we exercise not quitting small things, we won't  quit big ones either.  

Toughen up: because life is life... and in it you find things, things like people, people like oceans, like rivers, like lakes, like bays, like puddles. 

Toughen up: because life is complex, and yet still is very simple.  

Toughen up: because some things are meant to be understood, some others  are not.

Toughen up: because you are amazing... OH MY WOW!!! You just read my whole post. Oh you are tough!! Hehehe. :)  

Be tough yet lovely!!

Thank you for reading my blog, come back soon. 


Yefi Blogger
My go-to site for reading/inspo is  /This post is not sponsored or affiliated.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Cena Deliciosa Para Adelgazar

Wraps de Repollo 


El repollo es un demoledor de grasa por excelencia, y cuando lo usamos en la cena mucho mas. Esta es una idea como incorporarlo en nuestra cena de una forma facil, rapida , deliciosa y divertida. El repollo ademas de ser efectivo en un regimen de nutricion saludable, es un cancer fighter, o sea que combate agentes cancerigenos y ayuda en la preencion del cancer.

Esta receta es tan sencilla y practica como se ve, y puedes rellenar con lo que gustes o tengas a mano. Algunas personas hierven un poco el repollo , pero yo lo prefiero totalmente crudo para conservar todos los nutrientes en su estado natural. En ni caso yo ocupe lo siguiente:  

Repollo crudo 
Kale o col rizado 
Cebolla roja 
Aceite de Oliva 

Corte en cuadritos la cebolla y el tomate y procedi a saltearlo en una cucharadita de aceite de oliva conjuntamente con el kale y el cilantro picaditos, puse tuna, sal y un poco de limon. LISTO!! Cenita rica y saludable en 1,2,3. 

Que te parece esta receta? Cuales son tus recetas saludables? 

Gracias por leerme, vuelve pronto!!! 

Este es mi IG Yefi Blogger

Yefi Blogger