Sunday, September 20, 2015

Controla La Gripe Con Un Te LATINO STYLE

A proposito de que este mes y parte de Octube se celebra el mes de La Herencia Hispana, y que se ven y se escuchan por doquier diferentes tradiciones de los paises hispanos, vino a mi mente esta receta infalible para combatir la gripe. Recuerdo que creci viendo a mi mama` haciendo este tipo de tes naturales para mejorar las defensas del organismo y combatir la gripes y los resfriados. 

Yo soy fanatica de lo natural. Tes , remedios caceros, infusiones, jugos naturales.... si es natural... you name it... I like it. 

Asi que este te como puedes ver en la foto contine ingedientes super poderosos como son: El limon, el jengibre, canela y miel. Por cierto esa miel Bee Natural Honey es excellente, super pura y espesa, ademas en el sabor se nota la calidad. 

Para el te una vez que cortas  los ingredientes a tu gusto y adecuas las medidas segun la cantidad que vayas a hacer, ya esta todo listo. Yo use 2 litros de agua para los ingredientes que se ven en la foto. 


El olor de la canela, mezclado con el limon y el fuerte olor a jengibre es una delicia, a mi me encanta aun sin tener gripe, pero cuando esta la gripe es una real necesidad.  

Como era mi caso hace unos dias, cuando hice este te mientras trabajaba en el blog. Tome tal vez  unas 3 tazas de te y como diria mi mama` : Santo remedio!! 

Es un dicho que significa que algo surtio efecto. :)  

Y tu que remedios usas para la gripe? 

Gracias por visitar mi blog, vuelve pronto!! 

Yefi Blogger 

 Tal vez te interese este articulo: 5 Aliados Naturales De La Salud y Belleza

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Shipping Happiness with Poise Impressa Bladder Support.

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. You must be 21+ years old to try Poise Impressa Bladder Supports. #LifeAfterLeaks #CollectiveBias    

Since my mom does not live here in USA with me, whenever possible I like  to pack a few things that I know she likes and makes her happy. Now talking about her a little bit.. she is someone happy by nature, loves kids and wanted to have many.. oh boy!!! hehehe. She had 5 and still today she enjoys a lot helping with all the grandchildren. 

I don't really know why but since I was a child I got used to calling her "nin" instead of mom. I still do actually, when we talk on the phone that's how I normally call her. On those phone talks we usually talk and laugh a lot. That's something else she loves, laughing and dancing alone in the house (which I inherited from her ) hehehe. It's a latino thing I think :) 

However, a little while  ago  in one of those talks we had, she was telling me about an issue she has been facing. She says that it prevents her from doing those normal things she enjoys like dancing or laughing, and even sneezing or coughing could be an issue.... she was talking about SUI

SUI stands for Stress Urinary Incontinence

So when a person does normal activities such as sneeze, laugh, exercise, dance or some other movements some bladder leakage accors... not funny right? 

So I started  doing research on the subject and voila.. I found some exciting  info about POISE IMPRESSA BLADDER SUPPORT , I read some stories of people facing the same situation and how they have gained their confidence back with Poise Impressa .

I immediately went to my CVS to get this back to happiness and freedom product and while at the store I found out there there is a SIZING KIT for your convenience.  


So this is the sizing kit, I went ahead and opened it, so I could explain to my mom how it works and it is very easy to use and it helps you find the right fit for you. Very convenient, check the pic below... 

Now I told my mom that in the sizing kit she had 3 different sizes, 1-3 from smaller to bigger and since the product is not sized on the height or weight, but on the best internal fit, she just needed to try them out and find the right one for her. It is inserted like a tampon, you start with the blue #1, if you still feel any leakage then you continue with the red #2 and like that until you find which of the 3 better fits your need and is more comfortable for you. So with that info  I went  back to CVS to get her the correct color/number. 


The manual explains it all really, once we found Poise Impressa, she says everything went back to normal. Now she can freely laugh again. When she knows I'm putting packs together to ship them to her, she always says : do not forget my Poise Impressa. 

I never do though, hehehe :) 

That's my mom's story.. what's your story? Are you or someone you know  facing this bladder issue? Have you tried Poise Impressa? If you or someone you know needs it here's a $1 COUPON at CVS. Find it in the aisle shown below.

Note: Do not use Poise Impressa if you are pregnant. Poise Impressa is NOT a tampon, so it shouldn't be used as such.  

Thank you for visiting my blog... come back soon. 

Yefi Blogger