Monday, December 21, 2015

VIDEO Miss Universo 2015 Corona a Miss Colombia Y Miss Philippines

ERRAR ES DE HUMANOS!!! Mas no se puede negar que esta escena del MISS UNIVERSE 2015 fue dificil de procesar, en todo el timepo que tengo viendo el certamen jamas ocurrio algo remotamente parecido. Realmente las fotos que  aparecen por todos lados en redes sociales cuentan la historia asi que no voy a abundar en el tema. Ademas las fotos que dejo aqui en mi blog (que de hecho no son mias) cuentan graficamente como Miss Colombia 2014 le retire la corona a Miss Colombia 2015 para coronar a Miss philippines como Miss Universe 2015. 

Aca dejo algunas fotos y un link a un video donde sucede la doble coronacion, y ademas se ve al presentador Steve Harvey disculparse, tomar responsabilidad por lo que ocurrio y dar una explicacion de lo sucedido. 

Momento en que Miss Colombia 2015 luce la corona por unos minutos despues de ser coronada por Paulina Miss  Universo 2014. 

Momento donde se anuncia que hubo un error al anunciar a Miss Colombia como ganadora. 

Se anuncia a Miss Philipines como MISS UNIVERSE 2015. 


Pero esto fue lo que paso... Paulina Vega le retira la corona a Miss Colombia y se la otorga a la nueva MISS UNIVERSE 2015 que es MISS PHILIPPINES.  

Y despues de toda la confusion y todo el alboroto y mal entendido ...... Aqui esta: MISS UNIVERSE 2015.... MISS PHILIPPINES.   

Puedes ver el video AQUI 

Gracias por visitar mi blog... vuelve pronto!! 

Yefi Blogger

**Disclaimer: Este post no esta patrocinado y las fotos no son mias** 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Beneficios de Consumir Antioxidantes

Esta es una explicacion sencilla de por que es importante  CONSUMIR ANTIOXIDANTES.  

Bueno, los antioxidantes son considerados "Medicos Microscopicos" por que combaten los radicales libres. Leyendo algo interesante acerca de estos encontre que la energia para los procesos celulares se produce en la mitocondria, o sea , dentro de la celula y durante el proceso se producen sustancias de desechos llamadas RADICALES LIBRES, estas son moleculas de oxigeno con un  solo electron que buscan otras moleculas para unirse a ellas y generar maltrato celular. Normalmente los antioxidantes que tenemos en nuestro cuerpo se uniran a esos radicales libres y los volveran inocuos. Ahora bien si hay demasiados radicales libres y pocos antioxidantes, los radicales libres  pueden causar gran efecto negativo y generar un proceso llamado ESTRES OXIDATIVO (del cual  estoy investigando y escribire un poco mas adelante en otro post) 

En la medida en que vamos envejeciendo, la energia de nuestro metabolismo se va volviendo mas ineficiente o lenta, los radicales libres salen a buscar otras moleculas a las cuales se puedan unir y si los dejamos aumentar y aumentar estos pueden destruir componentes celulares , causar efectos negativos en las proteinas, lipidos , ADN , llevar a la muerte celular... y esto obviamente muy posiblemente desarrollaria un cancer. 

Y aprovecho para resaltar esto interesante que lei en cuanto al cerebro: Lei que es el organo que mas sustancias oxidativas produce, de ahi la importancia de los SUPER ALIMENTOS, que son por decirlo asi comida cargada de antioxidantes, que va de forma directa a cuidar nuestro cerebro y a mantener esas celulas cerebrales (neuronas) bien cuidadas y activas. 

Mantener nuestro cuerpo bien cargado de antioxidantes nos ayuda a comabtir la aparicion y retrasar la progresion de enfermedades y condiciones  como son: El cancer, Estress Oxidativo, Mal de Parkinson, Alzheimer, derrames cerebrales entre otros. 

Una dieta rica en antioxidantes parece ser la mejor apuesta si quieres prevenir estas enfermedades y dar un optimo cuidado a tu cerebro y cuerpo en general. 

Ahora, cuales son los alimentos con mayor concentracion de antioxidantes? Bueno segun vi en un estudio llevado a cabo por el Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos, estos alimentos son las mejores fuentes de antioxidantes: 


Claro estos son solo algunos alimentos segun esa lista. Yo me atrevo a agregar que todo alimento verde y que al comerlo suene "crunchy" esta cargado de antioxidantes. (repollo, lechuga etc)

Asi que ya saben, a incorporar antioxidantes en nuestra dieta!! Cuales incorporas tu mas a menudo? 

Gracias por visitar mi blog!! Vuelve pronto y buscame en las redes sociales.


Yefi Blogger

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Mi Vida Antes y Despues de Mi Carro

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc and It's advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias  #CambioConfiable

Heyyyy, hola!! Tengo una pregunta para ti, cuando piensas en la palabra FREEDOM/LIBERTAD...que viene a tu mente? Con que asocias esta palabra?

Te cuento que yo, socialmente hablando asocio esta palabra con todo aquello que tiene que ver con decisiones, permiso vs restriccion,  movilidad y hasta con el arte de fluir.

Es increible como varian las costumbres, los habitos, y las necesidades de un pais a otro.
 Hace ya algun tiempo que me mude aqui a USA y comence a ver como cosas que quizas no eran imprescindibles para mi en mi pais de origen, aqui pronto se convirtieron en una necesidad apremiante: Mi carro, por ejemplo.

En mi pais, para mi el transporte nunca fue algo de que preocuparse. Comenzando desde mi infancia: Mi escuela primaria  estaba a dos cuadras de mi casa. High school estaba un poco mas lejos, pero para tomar el transporte y llegar a mi high school no tenia que caminar mas que unos minutos y listo. El college  estaba a 40 minutos pero igual los buses para ir y venir estaban a unos 5 minutos de mi casa. Y que crees? Ya de adulta, tuve la dicha de que mis trabajos en su mayoria se encontraron bastante cerca de donde residia... not bad right? hehehe. :)  Asi que como ves un vehiculo para mi nunca fue una nesecidad imperante.

Ah, pero todo comenzo a cambiar cuando despues de casada decidimos mi esposo y yo mudarnos aqui a Estados Unidos. De repente dependia de mi hubby para TODO... para hacer las citas, para ir al salon de belleza, ya saben ustedes como a veces nos tardamos en el salon de belleza y El tenia que esperarme o volver a buscarme, llevarme al trabajo y  recogerme, llevarme de compras, al mall, al doctor.... etc, etc, etc. En ese momento empeze a comparar y evaluar mi escala de necesidades con relacion a cuando vivia en mi pais y eran tan distantes como  de la tierra a la luna!! Y hablando de luna... he aqui MY SILVER MOON...... 

Cuando vives en USA el tener un vehiculo no es opcional, Como han cambiado las cosas desde que llego mi Silver Moon!! Ella me permite desplazarme y cumplir con mis obligaciones y a la vez se convierte en mi complice en mis momentos favoritos de recreacion. Ahora bien, cuando algo o alguien es tan importante en tu vida merece que le pongas cuidado por eso le pedi a mi esposo algunas sugerencias de como cuidar mi vehiculo. Entre las cosas que me dijo, esta el mantenerme al dia con el cambio de aceite y que este sea confiable. Me sugirio que vinieramos a Walmart puesto que el dice que son responsables, confiables y tienen buenos precios.

Ya estando en Walmart, quizo mostrarme cual es el aceite que debo usar, dice que Quaker State Oil ..... es de muy buena calidad, que no va a maltratar mi vehiculo ni mi bolsillo. Me indico que ellos tienen  tres diferentes tipos de aceite, en la foto debajo puedes ver que uno es rojo (High Mileage), El verde (Advance durability... que fue el que ocupe yo) y el dorado (Full Synthetic) 
Todo depende de la necesidad de tu vehiculo.

 Luego de eso  hablamos con uno de los mecanicos, quien muy amablemente nos dijo que se encargaria de hacer el cambio de aceite y nos dio una tarjeta indicando cuando estaria disponible. Super awesome!!! Todo muy rapido, y ademas muy atentos, amables y dispuestos a responder cualquier inquietud en cuanto al buen cuidado de mi vehiculo.

Asi que como les decia al principio, algo que te reporta tantos beneficios es digno de que se le de el mejor cuidado.En mi caso, mi carro aqui en USA ha sido un elemento clave para fluir con mas libertad, para explorar, socializar, para hacer las cosas que debo hacer y aquellas que disfruto, ademas juega un rol importante en ayudarme a alcanzar mis metas.  Entonces, como no darle un mantenimiento responsable? Tu que dices? Yo, digo que si Quaker State  es una excelente opcion para el cuidado de mi vehiculo y en Walmart es tan facil y conveniente hacerlo, aqui nos vemos en mi proximo cambio!! 

He aqui un ejemplo : 

Salgo de mi casa a una reunion de trabajo

Luego de la reunion, llego a mi parque favorito............

Y me relajo.......... 

Y tu que razones tienes para apreciar tu carro? como lo cuidas? 

Gracias por visitar mi blog..... vuelve pronto!! 

Yefi Blogger

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Controla La Gripe Con Un Te LATINO STYLE

A proposito de que este mes y parte de Octube se celebra el mes de La Herencia Hispana, y que se ven y se escuchan por doquier diferentes tradiciones de los paises hispanos, vino a mi mente esta receta infalible para combatir la gripe. Recuerdo que creci viendo a mi mama` haciendo este tipo de tes naturales para mejorar las defensas del organismo y combatir la gripes y los resfriados. 

Yo soy fanatica de lo natural. Tes , remedios caceros, infusiones, jugos naturales.... si es natural... you name it... I like it. 

Asi que este te como puedes ver en la foto contine ingedientes super poderosos como son: El limon, el jengibre, canela y miel. Por cierto esa miel Bee Natural Honey es excellente, super pura y espesa, ademas en el sabor se nota la calidad. 

Para el te una vez que cortas  los ingredientes a tu gusto y adecuas las medidas segun la cantidad que vayas a hacer, ya esta todo listo. Yo use 2 litros de agua para los ingredientes que se ven en la foto. 


El olor de la canela, mezclado con el limon y el fuerte olor a jengibre es una delicia, a mi me encanta aun sin tener gripe, pero cuando esta la gripe es una real necesidad.  

Como era mi caso hace unos dias, cuando hice este te mientras trabajaba en el blog. Tome tal vez  unas 3 tazas de te y como diria mi mama` : Santo remedio!! 

Es un dicho que significa que algo surtio efecto. :)  

Y tu que remedios usas para la gripe? 

Gracias por visitar mi blog, vuelve pronto!! 

Yefi Blogger 

 Tal vez te interese este articulo: 5 Aliados Naturales De La Salud y Belleza

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Shipping Happiness with Poise Impressa Bladder Support.

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. You must be 21+ years old to try Poise Impressa Bladder Supports. #LifeAfterLeaks #CollectiveBias    

Since my mom does not live here in USA with me, whenever possible I like  to pack a few things that I know she likes and makes her happy. Now talking about her a little bit.. she is someone happy by nature, loves kids and wanted to have many.. oh boy!!! hehehe. She had 5 and still today she enjoys a lot helping with all the grandchildren. 

I don't really know why but since I was a child I got used to calling her "nin" instead of mom. I still do actually, when we talk on the phone that's how I normally call her. On those phone talks we usually talk and laugh a lot. That's something else she loves, laughing and dancing alone in the house (which I inherited from her ) hehehe. It's a latino thing I think :) 

However, a little while  ago  in one of those talks we had, she was telling me about an issue she has been facing. She says that it prevents her from doing those normal things she enjoys like dancing or laughing, and even sneezing or coughing could be an issue.... she was talking about SUI

SUI stands for Stress Urinary Incontinence

So when a person does normal activities such as sneeze, laugh, exercise, dance or some other movements some bladder leakage accors... not funny right? 

So I started  doing research on the subject and voila.. I found some exciting  info about POISE IMPRESSA BLADDER SUPPORT , I read some stories of people facing the same situation and how they have gained their confidence back with Poise Impressa .

I immediately went to my CVS to get this back to happiness and freedom product and while at the store I found out there there is a SIZING KIT for your convenience.  


So this is the sizing kit, I went ahead and opened it, so I could explain to my mom how it works and it is very easy to use and it helps you find the right fit for you. Very convenient, check the pic below... 

Now I told my mom that in the sizing kit she had 3 different sizes, 1-3 from smaller to bigger and since the product is not sized on the height or weight, but on the best internal fit, she just needed to try them out and find the right one for her. It is inserted like a tampon, you start with the blue #1, if you still feel any leakage then you continue with the red #2 and like that until you find which of the 3 better fits your need and is more comfortable for you. So with that info  I went  back to CVS to get her the correct color/number. 


The manual explains it all really, once we found Poise Impressa, she says everything went back to normal. Now she can freely laugh again. When she knows I'm putting packs together to ship them to her, she always says : do not forget my Poise Impressa. 

I never do though, hehehe :) 

That's my mom's story.. what's your story? Are you or someone you know  facing this bladder issue? Have you tried Poise Impressa? If you or someone you know needs it here's a $1 COUPON at CVS. Find it in the aisle shown below.

Note: Do not use Poise Impressa if you are pregnant. Poise Impressa is NOT a tampon, so it shouldn't be used as such.  

Thank you for visiting my blog... come back soon. 

Yefi Blogger

Monday, March 9, 2015

Chef Boyardee Now On Rollback at Walmart

 This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #LowPriceMeals #CollectiveBias  


With winter almost behind us, I am looking for easy, scrumptious meals for my family. Less time in the kitchen means more time for other fun activities. Now through March 16, 2015, each 14.5-15 oz can of Chef Boyardee is on rollback at Walmart for only $0.75. Chef Boyardee raviolis, mac & cheese, and spaghetti and meatballs are just some of the varieties you can enjoy at a low price. Be sure to head to Walmart and stock up on this great deal while supplies last! 

See the entire list of great Chef Boyardee 14.5 - 15 oz cans on rollback price here :

While shopping at Walmart, be sure to look for the Rollback signs for Chef Boyardee in the Canned Food aisle! 

Thank you for visiting my blog.... come back soon. 


Monday, February 16, 2015

5 Awesome Tips to Maximize your Tax Refund

This Shop has been compensated by Collective Bias Inc. and It's advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.                   #MaxYourTax  #CollectiveBias 

So here we are again : It's TAX REFUND TIME!!! How are you going to best invest that money? How are you going to #MaxYourTax ? ..... Well , here I am sharing with you my 5 Awesome Tips to Maximize your Tax Refund.  

Generally,  whenever we have a little extra money we start thinking about a few things we could do with it like : traveling , Shopping , starting a new business, paying debts , remodeling  parts of the house , saving , etc , etc.  

Now, please remember that in order to maximize not only our tax refund , but any income in our finances we need to be clear on what are our wants and our  needs, we need to plan wisely our expenses and spend intelligently. And this takes us to our.....  

TIP #1 : PRIORITIZE yes, prioritize!! what are those urgent  / very important needs or financial compromises that can not wait? maybe Health , Education , Business , Debts , perhaps you need to invest in yourself for a certain important event... I don't know... you name it. Priorities vary greatly from one  person to another. 

TIP #2 : TO MAXIMIZE YOUR INCOME, MINIMIZE YOUR EXPENSES yeah, you heard it!! And I'll give you an example of that. See, my phone bill is a headache :)  I use it  A LOT because of my blogging and some other talking , so around the middle of the month I'm usually frustrated about the bill and the slow Data. Well guess what? My husband has an Unlimited talk text and Data/Web plan from Walmart which has been great, and with our tax refund we decided to invest in a second line  with the Walmart family Mobile plan for me. So we chose this modern phone the  Samsung Galaxy Avant for $149.00 . The service is $29.88 a month for the first line and you would also have to get a starter kit that costs $25.00 if it is the first line , but since  it is our second line we'll just pay 24.88 a month for  my service (This plan is not pre-paid so you pay at the end of each month) .. that means, that we are now saving $5 a month. In my Unlimited talk, text and data plan I have up to 500MB of 4G LTE DATA which means there is a good amount of talking and browsing . With this move we started maximizing our income by minimizing our monthly phone bills. 

TIP #3 : INVEST SMART in my case investing in one of these Walmart Best plans with their new 4G LTE service was not smart , but very smart. it fits perfectly with my needs of talk , data and speed service needed throughout the month. So it  covers the need and helps me save. Now that's what I call to #MaxYourTax.... Don't you?   

TIP #4 : FIND THE BEST THE DEALS do not rush in to invest your Tax refund or any other income. Do your research , ask , compare , visit my blog ( cough... cough ) I mean consult Mr. Google :) . Take your time and find the best deals possible for you.  And talking about best deals, while I was in this aisle at Walmart getting my phone  I saw a very nice Deal... the phone ZTE Zinger was $39.88 and now is only $19.84 I thought it was an  awesome deal and wanted to share it.   

TIP #5 : REWARD YOURSELF ah ah... careful!! Intelligence over emotions, use good judgement and no excesses, but yes we need to reward ourselves. Your tax refund is not really a gift to you , you earned it through the past whole year, you worked hard and now you deserve to tell yourself well done baby, good job :) That could be your motivation to work hard this 2015 and look forward to your next year tax refund.  

Well, I've already shared some of  my tips.... now, what are your Ideas? How are YOU going to #MaxYourTax ? 

Thank you for visiting my blog. Come back soon!! 


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Naturalico Vitamin C Serum

This product has been kindly provided to me for review purposes, opinions are 100% mine alone.

I should say I am very happy that I tried  Naturalico Vitamin C , right now there's a bunch of anti-aging serum options but I haven't tried one like this vitamin E hyaluronic acid professional anti-aging serum. it's revolutionary formula includes the finest of natural ingredients like sea buckthorn oil , organic hyaluronic acid and organic rosehip which is awesome for the skin.  

Some of the benefits that I love of it are the following : 

*It's potent antioxidant protection from oxidative damage 
*The vitamin C brightens the skin and stimulates the production of collagen, while the hyaluronic acid binds    moisture to the skin  
*Deep hydration 
*Helps make the fine lines and wrinkles less deep  

And here are some the benefits that the company itself highlight about the product 

"A Multitude of Benefits From One Face Serum
Our combination vitamin C and hyaluronic acid serum simultaneously addresses existing damage while providing potent antioxidant protection from oxidative damage. While vitamin C brightens the skin and stimulates the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid binds moisture to the skin, keeping it properly hydrated and making fine lines and wrinkles less deep. You can even tackle those unsightly age spots with the brightening power of our anti aging serum. Rigorously tested, our face serum truly lives up to its promise and can make a difference in the firmness, radiance and youthfulness of your skin."  

I use it daily , not with the makeup though... but every night, I can tell that as soon you apply it you can feel the difference... This is definitely a must have!! 

Have you tried ? did you like it? 

Well, thank you for visiting my blog, come back soon. 


***I received this product from Naturalico through Tomoson*** For more disclosure info please see FAQs

Monday, January 26, 2015


How to describe it other than AMAZING!!!!! Last month we went for a short vacation to THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC to see my family , to rest , relax , renew...... and  enjoy  as much as we could of such a beautiful gem of the Caribbean. We decided to go to the north side of the country and visited some of the gorgeous beaches around there. The one in the picture above for example is "La playita" (the little beach) which is located in LAS GALERAS, a small town in the city of SAMANA.
The place is peaceful , quiet, needless to say that the mountains make the view even more wonderful, and I'll tell you what.... this picture doesn't do real justice, since you can see a little bit of dirt on the water at the moment we took it. The water was all the time crystal clear!!
There is absolutely  nothing like breathing the air of the sea... PURE AIR... listening to the sounds of the waves, and delighting your eyes with  the view of a majestic panorama like this one. The sea is just one of my favorite of God's creations. 

And of course, we are missing something.... FOOD!! hehehe... Yes that comes in the package, in La playita and almost in any other beach you find restaurants that would serve pretty much any type of seafood  you want. In our case this was one of our options. This is  what in Dominican Republic is called "The dominican flag" (rice, beans,a type of meat and salad + fried plantains)  in the pic my husband also added fried eggplants... Those were DELISSSHHH. Oh and the most famous beer in the country : Presidente. 

Las Galeras is a very touristic town, as I mentioned before still quiet, non crowded, friendly, hotels and other rentals have a wide range of prices so it is easy to find the right one that fits your budget. There are lotssss of fun activities and tours to take while visiting there. If  you ever go visit PLEASE do not miss PLAYA RINCON. It is just a spectacular place. We did not go this time because we had previously been there. It is AMAZING. 

We saw these wild horses on our way out of La Playita. How cool is that? I love to see wild animals in their habitats. 

 Awesome.. surrounded by lots of green , nature , turquoise water that sometimes turns into kind of a beautiful greenish color, depending on the place. (town or city)  

And these were some of the pictures taken in LAS GALERAS. Relaxing, and enjoying this majestic peaceful beach. This was the beginning of our vacation. In my next post  I'll continue sharing some of the fun places that we got the chance to visit.

Have you been to The Dominican Republic? Have you visited La Playita in Las Galeras, Samana? 

Thank you for visiting my blog. 

Come back soon!! 


***This post is not sponsored***

Thursday, January 15, 2015


This product has been kindly provided to me for review purposes, opinions are 100% mine.

Yes!! I have been doing some research on some weight loss aids... and of course Garcinia Cambogia is one of the  most popular ones out there. As I previously stated I was provided with this product to try it and review it.... so here's my opinion about it : 

*I like about it that is the only one that I found that contains 45 mg of Calcium, 
*It is GMO and GLUTEN FREE (very important) 
*100% natural 
*No harsh Solvents 
*No artificial ingredients  
*And as it clearly says on the on the package "PURE GARCINIA CAMBOGIA EXTRACT .... 85% HCA COMPLEX  

The serving size is 1 capsule per day and it contains 60 capsules per container. (veggi capsules as you can see in the picture. I'm also trying the Raspberry Ketones shown in the picture ,  it was also provided with the Cambogia. 

Here are the facts that were very relevant  to me. I read them from the manufacturer : 
"Summit Nutritions Garcinia Cambogia is 100% Pure and Natural formula which comes in Clinical Strength, which control your appetite, blocks fat, increase serotonin level (Good for people who eat more in stress) and increase the energy level. The ultimate weight loss goal is achieved by only proper use of Diet and Exercise and the goal is boosted by Garcinia Cambogia fat blocking effect as studied in many credible clinical studies. We also provide the assurance of 100% Satisfaction or Money back Guarantee to assure return on your investment. We would like to be part of your weight loss goal."

The company that manufactures this product is SUMMIT NUTRITIONS,  In this link you can get their PURE GARCINIA CAMBOGIA as well as other of their products at Amazon

In addition to these supplements I'm also trying to help the process with lots of veggies and fruits and healthy food. I think when you want to loose weight you shouldn't rely in one product only... you may agree that your  diet should be balanced and healthy.  Also  include a little space for exercising. 

This is all for now . I may post a second part of this review to show the progress on this experience. 

How about you?  Are you trying to lose weight? Are you thinking in trying Garcinia Cambogia ? Are you using it now? 

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Come back soon!! 

Big hugs. 

Here's me on 
Twitter  and   Instagram  , 

Disclaimer : product provided by Summit Nutritions through Tomoson. For more info see FAQs 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Chasing My Fit ME With Walmart Family Mobile

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and it's advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #HappyNewMe  #CollectiveBias

HELLO JANUARY 2015!!... In my opinion, since January is the first month of the year, it is always synonymous with GOALS , RESOLUTIONS, FRESH STARTS , NEW COMMITMENTS ETC , ETC , ETC.  My theme this 2015? Chasing my fit me , becoming a healthier foodie... and the big thing for me "no coke this year", I really want to replace coke for vitamin water. So I do believe it was definitely a great idea to get this Unlimited Talk Text and Data/Web plan from Walmart. It has been great to be able to keep track of my goals on the phone as well as doing all kinds of research looking for new apps , recipes , blogs and sharing ideas with other bloggers and friends that are on the same path. 

We are trying to save to keep up with our goals, so we went to the Walmart Family Mobile store and found The LG L90 Phone for only $34.88 a month ($29.88 for additional lines) Including the unlimited talk text that I mentioned above and 5GB of 3G data. So that was a sweet deal. We bought ours online for $119.00 and picked it up at the store the same day, and while there we got the starter kit that costs $25.00. The price at the store is higher than 119, so if you are just like me // a saver :)  // order it online and go pick it up later .... Maybe when you are going to do the shopping???  Kill 2 birds with same shot hehehe  :) and save yourself some gas.... Thank you very much.  

Oh Yeah!!!! That picture above it's me looking for different ideas to prepare my vitamin waters. I'm following some healthy accounts on Instagram, I use the phone to check ideas on Google images, Pinterest and other social networks..... oh I also share my own ideas.... Example :  

Self explanatory right??  :) So easy and practical. Now I always put some fruit into my ice cubes then I just put them in a glass , pitcher or water bottle pour some water and VOILA!! Or you can even chew on them (Just kidding, that's no bueno for your teeth), but seriously it helps to keep my goal of no coke this year, replacing it for a healthier drink that at the same time has exciting flavors.

With  my LG L90 I'm learning  to enjoy a variety of  healthy waters, I know that juicing is always great , but sometimes you do not have the time to make a juice, and also you probably won't drink juice all day long, on the other hand you and I know that drinking water throughout the day is not an option.  

APPS apps apps : I've been like crazy looking for apps on the phone about Paleo eating , which I want to get myself into now, I found this one that is Paleo Diets and Recipes. I haven't started yet, I'm still reading about the concept, the recipes , what and what not to eat , when and when not to eat and so forth. So I'm thankful I got one of the Walmart Best Plans, that way I'm not limited doing my research and looking for info on my phone . My plan has enough data text and talk and economically talking it is budget friendly.

This is the stand at the store that we picked up our phone, and  where we  got our starter kit at my Walmart in St Pete, where by the way a friendly associate named Dan did the activation on our phone for me and my husband, and a manager of the department named Jamie, nicely explained to us that the phone could be ordered for a lower price online (119) and be picked up at the store the same day. I always say that good price + good customer service = great whole package. I like that!!    

So here's me and some of my goals for 2015!!! What are some of your goals? How are you planning to reach them? Please share some of your ideas with me.  

Thank you for reading my blog. Come back soon.